How to unlock all factions empire total war darthmod
How to unlock all factions empire total war darthmod

how to unlock all factions empire total war darthmod

In DarthMod 0,3 the ships have normalised speedsĤ. Of course the bigger ships are powerful as they should but they have their weakensses.

how to unlock all factions empire total war darthmod

There is a penaly for large ranges and a bonus in close ranges so that smaller ships can become real hunters, which can hit the right moment and sink bigger vessels. In DarthMod 0,2 The Naval Battles are excellent. Now critical hits play large role and smaller ships can take bigger part in the battle, by exploiting their advantages of speed and manoeuvrability. Naval Units endure too much (Some lose completely their wood and do not sink!) (DARTH VADER) Hull strength of ships balanced better. In DarthMod 0,2 I altered the bonus so that cavalry wil not charge at them blindly as before and stop.ģ. Square formation bugged (Troops do not fire properly) (DARTH VADER) Seems it has been positively affected by the better cohesion of the units. I have changed the missile covering parameters and the AI responded. They try to use hit and run tactics using the woods. In DarthMod 0,2 they are even more historically correct. Still cannot win easily because the general musket range is increased and they lose too many men by the new Darth efficiency of the musket. Indians (Native Americans) misbalanced (melee weak+missile strong) (DARTH VADER) Bows and throwing axes + Damage balanced realistically, Melee Increased a little, Speed is better than any other foot unit. В папку C:\Documents and Settings\Твое имя\Application Data\The Creative Assembly\Empire\scripts файл preferences.empire_script.txt из архива

How to unlock all factions empire total war darthmod