How to use magic wand tool to subtract instead of add
How to use magic wand tool to subtract instead of add

how to use magic wand tool to subtract instead of add

Want More? Get Started With a Free Photoshop Elements 15 Course! Click Here And the Magic Wand works on a completely different basis to the Quick Selection Tool although it still uses color. The other color selection tool that I need to introduce you to now is the Magic Wand. I’m not 100% happy with that selection but as we’ll see in the next section there are a couple of things that I can do to improve it. Now I’ve got one other tiny part of the sheep there that I’d like to deselect. Now as I’ve said once or twice already it’s always the case when you’re doing selections that how good they are depends on how much time you are prepared to or are able to spend on them. Usually with subtract it’s a good idea to use a small brush so that you can be accurate about what you’re subtracting.Īnd I’m going to take away the parts of this selection that are wrong. When as happens here and happens quite often I have some areas selected that I don’t want selected I’m going to go for the subtract option. Now as I’m doing this PSE by default is adding to my selection. And then having done a sort of broad brush selection I may reduce the size and do a little bit more of the detail work. So I might, for instance, even use say, well what about a 40 pixel brush?Īnd then having selected the Quick Selection Tool click, move around a little bit, let PSE make its selections. So what I will often do is use a fairly big brush to begin with. And when you are using the Quick Selection Tool your basic choice is to use a big brush which will help you to do the job quickly or a small brush which will help you to do it accurately. So it should work very well on the sheep in the field because although the coloring on the sheep varies quite a bit and the coloring of the field varies quite a bit there is always a clear distinction between them. And PSE determines an edge for the selection on the basis of a change of color.

how to use magic wand tool to subtract instead of add how to use magic wand tool to subtract instead of add

With the Quick Selection Tool the selection is based on color. In this section we’re continuing to look at Selection Tools and we’re going to start to look at the last little set, the last little group here, the group that includes the Quick Selection Tool that I used earlier on in the course a couple of time. Like what you see? Get our complete Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 video training course. Power Pivot, Power Query and DAX in Excel.

How to use magic wand tool to subtract instead of add